The meaning of Yuruwan

Yuruwan comes from the Gamilaraay language of Central North-West NSW, and South-West Queensland. Simply, yuruwan means ‘grow’ or ‘growth’.

As an organisation, we honour the use of this word and apply it meaningfully and respectfully in all that we are and do.

Yuruwan is understanding and valuing that systems of interdependence are necessary for growth. It is remembering and trusting in the invisible and creative work that is ever present, and that it will one day generate new life, structure, and shared energy.

Yuruwan is the emergence or ‘awakening’ of First Nations food and medicine knowledges, systems and practices, where they have been ‘sleeping’ within the noise and effect of non-Indigneous food and agriculture systems on the land for the past 235 years. It is the potential of rain—at the right time, to intensify, and bring capacity to the flourishing of people and Country.

    • To support the growth and capacity of grassroots, urban-based First Nations food and medicine growing through practical and culturally-centered learning, education and other opportunities and initiatives—developed by and for First Nations people, and their families and communities.

    • To support and advocate for First Nations people's engagement, autonomy and agency within the food and medicine space, addressing the severe inequities in First Nations health, food sovereignty and food security.

    • To support the continuation of cultural food and medicine knowledges, systems and practices within urban spaces, communities and environments.

    • To support and build economic, social and cultural resilience and sustainability for urban-based First Nations people and communities through food and medicine growing.

    • To support the care of Country through First Nations involvement in food and medicine growing.

  • Yuruwan is a Not-For-Profit Company Limited by Guarantee.

    As a collective of First Nations people, we are individually guided by, and are responsible to our Elders and our communities. We understand our cultural contexts as strengths, that are invaluable to the work that we do.

    Yuruwan is governed by an active Board of Directors, who work collaboratively, and in consultation with our broader networks and circles.

    Our current Board of Directors are:

    • Joshua Waters (K/Gamilaroi)

    • Dominique Chen / Managing Director (K/Gamilaroi)

    • Samuel Chen

  • Yuruwan works, speaks, and collaborates closely with First Nations people within the expanded space of cultural, urban food growing. This includes Elders, industry professionals, researchers and community members.

    Working in bigger circles strengthens our web of interconnectedness, and ensures the work we do is informed, responsive, and inclusive.

    If you would like to be a part of our extended circle of friends and allies, contact us here.